Welcome to MikeSimpsonCareers.com. This is my personal career website where I will be posting helpful content in the career niche. It will also serve as a hub for my various online properties.
Here's a little about me:
Mike Simpson is a world-renowned career expert. His expertise includes job searching, job interview skills, resume and cover letter writing, and career advice.
Through TheInterviewGuys.com, Mike’s teachings have reached over 70 million job seekers worldwide. Mike has also been very successful as an author. His 2014 report, How to Give Perfect Interview Answers Every Time, has been downloaded over one million times. His first book (co-written with his partner Jeff Gillis), the Interview Master Guide, has sold over 50,000 copies without the help of a distributor.
Some of Mike’s teachings have been referenced and featured in some of the biggest online publishers in the world, including CNBC, Forbes, Entrepreneur and others.
He has also been referenced by many well-respected institutions, including Kansas State University, the University of Michigan, Wellesley College, the University of Toronto, McGill University and more.
Mike has a business degree (major, Human Resources, minor Economics) from Bishops University.